Friday, January 14, 2011

Thank You Pope Benedict

Pope Benedict XVI
Palazzo Apostolico Vaticano
I-00120 Citta del Vaticano

Ref: The Egyptian Coptic Christians

Dear Pope Benedict XVI;

As a Coptic American, I would like to thank you for calling the world’s attention to what is happening to the Coptic Christians. Hopefully the world will start to understand the dimensions of the campaign of elimination against not just the Copts in Egypt but the entire population of Christians in the Middle East. 

This campaign was in the works for some time in Egypt, with its origins dating back to the early 1970s. Nevertheless the Egyptian leaders chose to put their heads in the sand and refused to acknowledge the problem by blaming individual attacks on foreign elements, unstable individuals, or unknown persons.

In many cases, local police have forced Christian victims of violence to accept negotiated settlements and to give up their right to have their attackers prosecuted in court. As a result, there were over 200 homicides and attacks against Copts in the past 10 years without one single court conviction. The majority of these homicides and attacks were after the Friday prayers.

Dr. Mufid Shehab, the Minister of State for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, blamed the lack of police and investigative resources. However, he takes offense when Copts show dissatisfaction with police or the legal system.

I was not surprised when Egypt recalled its ambassador to the Vatican for consultation after you urged the country to do more to protect its Christian minority.     

Their action shows the mentality and the thinking process of the Egyptian administration and the culture of the country. You merely asked them to “to do more to protect” Christians in Egypt. In response the Parliament, Imam of El Azhar, and the executive branched  rejected your call as “interfering” in Egypt’s internal affairs. This is a common response from leaders of countries where ethnic cleansing is taking place. Similar responses have been heard from leaders in Rwanda, Sudan and Serbia.

Sadly, they do not understand the value and the importance of the words “The Truth Will Set You Free.”

I pray that all Western countries recall their ambassadors from Egypt to protest not just what is happening to minorities in the Egypt, but to protest and call the attention to the system the produces and exports radicals that threatens our civilization.

Again, thank you so much for your courage, leadership and for calling the attention to what is a happening to Christians in Egypt and the Middle East.

January 14, 2011

A Letter to Senator Joseph Lieberman

Senator Joseph Lieberman
Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
706 Hart Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

RE: Copts & the USA Homeland Security

Dear Senator Lieberman:

I am a U.S. citizen.

I am a Coptic Christian who immigrated to the United States in the 1970s because of a worsening climate of hostility toward non-Muslims in Egypt.

The recent attack on the Coptic Church of the Two Saints in Alexandria, which cost 23 people their lives, demonstrates that things have only gotten worse since I left.

I am writing to you because I am extremely worried about my fellow Copts in Egypt. I also want to point out the relationship between what is happening to them now and its long-term impact on our security in America.

On December 24, 2010, I e-mailed President Obama a note and predicted something very bad will happened to the Copts in Egypt in the near future.

I provided evidence.

Sure enough, eight days later, terrorists attacked Church of the Two Saints in Alexandria and just minutes after the New Year Mass, while people left the church. The explosion resulted in many casualties. Many of them were very young children. In the aftermath of the attack, Muslim Egyptians chanted “Allahu Akbar” in celebration.

Sadly, before the investigation began, Egyptian officials were blaming “foreign elements” for the attack. At first glance, this might sound like they were blaming terrorists from Iraq for the attack, but in Egypt’s over-heated environment, some listeners would take this to mean that Israel was ultimately responsible for the attack.

This may seem outlandish, but the fact is, many commentators in Egypt did explicitly blame Israel for the attack, just as some people blamed Israel and Jews for the attack against the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001.

I am afraid the New Year’s attack is just the beginning.  We will witness more attacks on Copts in Egypt who have been the target of an ongoing campaign of incitement that has lasted many years and has intensified in recent months.

Egyptian culture and the education system reject non-Muslims and call for them to be isolated from the rest of society. Some commentators call for Copts to be gotten rid of altogether.

On January 7, 2011, Boston Globe and AP wrote about a very small example what Copts experience on a daily bases. “…worshipper dressed in black entering Mass at the main Coptic Church in the Cairo district of Giza. “But even on my way here, a couple of young men shouted at me, ‘God take you all and rid us of you.’ ’’.

Moreover, in my letter to President Obama, I mentioned what Sheik Wagdi Ghoneim said about Muslims what should do to Christians in Egypt. Two days later, Sheik Wagdi, repeated the same threats from his residence in Yemen, however, this time he was more aggressive and asked Copts to immigrate to America.

Unfortunately, the education system in Egypt is the main cause for of Egypt’s troubles.

It is also a threat to American security.  This system  produced 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta and a number of extremists such as Dr. Ayman El-Zawahry, Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, Abu El Hamza El Massey. It has produced many members of al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.

This system is still producing young radicals with no vision, no job opportunities, and no chance of earning a decent living in Egypt.  Some will leave Egypt for the West and bring their hate with them.

This represents a threat to our safety in the U.S.

Since 1979, Egypt has received over $35 billion in military assistance as part of the reward of the peace treaty with Israel. Unfortunately, the current regime and the military leadership still view Israel as the main enemy. Furthermore, after over 30 year’s of anti-Israel campaigns, the Egyptian culture now is rife with Anti-Israel, Anti-Semitic, anti-Western, and anti-Christian attitudes.

Commentators and government officials blame Jews and the West for everything, from jellyfish and shark attacks in the Red Sea to shortage in food, and much more.

To be sure, there are signs of hope. After the attack, prominent Muslims in Egypt acted as human shields to protect Coptic churches during their Christmas celebrations.

But these signs are too few and far between.

It also important to point out one negative side effect of our military assistance to Egypt.

It has freed the Egyptian military to spend their money on other businesses like retail, agricultural, construction and tourism. In so doing, we are subsidizing this culture of hate.

Americans should demand that its foreign assistance be used in ways that enhance their interest in the Middle East and to protect – not endanger – U.S. citizens here at home.

The U.S. government must redirect part of the military assistance it provides to Egypt to improve that country’s education system and to promote a culture of peace.

In conclusion, Egypt needs a different kind of help than what we have been giving her. After 35 years in power, the current regime has failed to solve many of Egypt’s challenges. As much as 45% of the population is illiterate. Thirty to 35 percent of the population below the poverty line. In addition, almost 57 million out of the total 85 million people living in Egypt have no access to sanitary sewers, which in turn leads to the pollution of the Nile River, which is used to irrigate much of the country’s crops. This results in many health problems. For example, roughly 17,000 children die each year because of diarrhea. (However, it is interesting that just this week, some members of the Parliament are starting to hold the government responsible because its failed policies.)

In light these problems, it’s clear Egypt needs engineers, scientists and doctors. She does not need any more radicals. Egypt has access to many natural and human resources. We must help Egypt to develop its own processes to be self-sufficient in many industries, such as food, healthcare and transportation. 
She needs engineers, scientists and doctors. She does not need any more radicals. Egypt has access to many natural and human resources. We must help Egypt to develop its own processes to be self-sufficient in many industries, such as food, healthcare, transportation, etc. 

Many Muslims leaders in America are calling for America to understand their culture and to be more tolerant. Furthermore, many of those Muslims leaders are trying to change America to be more compliant with their beliefs even after they have gained their citizenship.

It is about time that America regain its confidence and demand that Egypt and the rest of Arab world understand her culture, her Bill or Rights, her commitment to individual rights, and to be more tolerant to non-Muslims, just as Americans work to be tolerant of Muslims.

These are the things that brought those Muslims leaders to America in the first place.

We shouldn’t be shy about promoting our way of life because it is GREAT.

I apologize for not sharing my contact information, but I withhold this information for reasons of security. As you probably know, Al Qaeda has posted the names, addresses, phone numbers and photos of Coptic Christians in Canada.  I will however, include my blog address for your staff to leave me a message and I will contact your office to answer any question.

Many thanks for your attention to this matter.

Jan. 11, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

An Old Movie Title -- Hassan, Marcus and Cohen

In the 1954, there was a movie in Egypt titled "Hassan, Marcus and Cohen." It was based on a stage play written by Naguib Al-Rihani and Badi' Khayri. The movie told the story of three businessmen -- one Muslim, one Christian, and one Jew -- who were able to work together despite their religious differences.

If the movie were to be made today, it would tell a different story. Hassan has driven off Cohen and is in the process of driving off Marcus.

The question Egyptians face today is if Hassan is better off without the friendship of Marcus and Cohen?

Can Hassan really do without the expertise and friendship of Marcus and Cohen? If so, then why do Egyptian leaders go to Europe for medical treatment?

Salafist Imam Abo Ishaq Alheweny recently went to Germany for medical treatment. And when he was well, he sent a message to his Egyptian followers telling them that the west is "hell on earth."

Even though this movie was written in 1954, Hassan, Marcus and Cohen is a beautiful invitation for Egyptians to rethink the world the extremists are creating for them.

An Open Letter to President Barack Obama

Note: This letter was sent to the White House on Dec. 24, 2011, eight days before the attack on the Church of the Two Saints in Alexandria, Egypt that killed 23 Coptic Christians.

President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington D.C.

Dear President Obama,

I am writing to you as Coptic Christian who immigrated to the United States in the late 1970s.

I am an American citizen.

I have grave concerns about what is going in Egypt regarding the Copts.

To put it bluntly, I fear that something very bad is going to happen to this community in the very near future.

Coptic Christians have been the victims of systematic abuse and oppression in Egypt for a long time. On November 17, 2010, the U.S. Department of State recently issued a report on religious freedom in Egypt that details the abuses they suffer on a daily basis. January of this year, six Coptic Christians were murdered outside their church after celebrating Christmas.

Sadly, I fear another attack will happen again sometime in the near future.

The tendency of blaming the State of Israel for every problem in Egypt, and linking it to the Copts, is on the rise, especially in the past a few months. By associating the Copts with the Jewish state, extremists and government officials are inciting hostility toward a beleaguered, defenseless minority.

The anti-Israel polemic is fairly well known. One official accused recent shark and jellyfish for attacks on swimmers at Sharm el-Sheikh on the Mossad. The aalleged goal was to kill the tourism season.

What is less well known is that Muslim Imams throughout the Middle East are demonizing Coptic Christians in Egypt. One oft-repeated claim is that Israel is using Coptic churches to store all kinds of weapons to attack Muslims. Such accusations lead to threats of violence.

For example, Sheik Wagdi Ghoneim recently said in a video message from the State of Qatar “I swear by God, you will not have time stay alive until America and the West arrive, this is for your own good, if you understand. Do you think the Muslims inside Egypt will say thank you and may Allah give you health? “No, by God.”

And on September 16, 2010 Mr., Muhammad Salim Al-Awa, Secretary-General of the International Union of Muslim Scholars announced on Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar): Copts Amass Weapons in Egyptian Churches and Are "Preparing for War against the Muslims".

Copts are even being blamed for the violence perpetrated against them by Muslim extremists in Egypt. For example, after a mob of 5,000 Egyptians recently attacked a Christian service building, President’s Mubarak former assistant, Dr. Mustafa El- Feki from Ain Shams University stated that Israel and the Copts were at fault for the attack and the two deaths that resulted from it. Dr. El Feki stated that Israel was behind the subsequent protests: “"It is almost certain that the Mossad is involved in these events. The State is dealing with dangerous events that could not have succeeded without external intervention with Israel at its head."

Here, it is important to note why the mob attacked the building in the first place. While the Egyptian government does not allow Christians to build churches, it does allow them to build “service buildings” where social services can be provided to the elderly and to young people in the Coptic Christian community. The mob attacked this service building after hearing rumors that the building itself was going to be used as a church and not merely to provide social services to its members.

Mr. President, in light of numerous acts of incitement and previous acts of violence, I fear that Coptic Christians in Egypt are going to have a very tough Christmas season. I implore you to use your good offices to insist that the Egyptian government protect the rights of its Christian citizens.

For reasons of my own safety, I can only sign my first name, but nevertheless, I offer wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I ask that you use your influence to make sure Christians in Egypt can celebrate their holidays in safety.

Dec. 24, 2010